Friday, June 26, 2009

The Journey Begins

We arrived this morning at Lambert Airport at 4:45am. Everyone was on time. It was a good thing because we had to wait in a long line to check our luggage. The check in process took 90 minutes but went very well.

The only glitch is when we got to security the majority of the group did not have boarding passes so we had to trek back up to the United counter to get boarding passes

Cheryl wants me to mention it was the guy at the counter that messed up on the boarding passes. We really do know what we are doing!

Mark Mehlig is enjoying some of Ray's delicious Barbecue ribs for breakfast. Yes. Ribs for Breakfast.

Our flight to Washington leaves in 1 hour.

Bo, Abby, Nick and Jake.....I love you!

Rachel and Rebecca....Mom says don't forget to pack your swim shoes!

Mark Mehlig just asked if they had FM radio in Malawi!

1 comment:

Mart said...

Enjoyed the pics Brian. I am praying for all of you. I just know this journey you are on is for a higher purpose. Mom, S.kinci