Thursday, December 11, 2008

Malawi Mission Trip to Africa

I will be joining the Calvary Church missions team traveling to Malawi Africa in July 2009 to minister to orphans and others in need. In the book of Mathew, Jesus implores his followers to care for the "Least of These". The Children we'll be helping are the unfortunate victims of HIV/AIDS and other tragic circumstances. Our team will be conducting a vacation bible school program with the assistance of our African Bible College Missionary partners, Steve and Marion Spencer as an opportunity to demonstrate to these kids, in very tangible ways, the good news of Jesus' Love.

Below are some staggering statistics about orphans. It is for these reasons and my own personal experiences that I feel very strongly that I want to do what I can to help these orphans. Please consider supporting our missions team and this mission trip.

You can assist in two important ways.

First, we’d ask you to consider being a part of our prayer team, committing to pray for us as we prepare and then as we serve. Prayer is a key component of each mission trip, and we’re asking God to prepare our hearts with the boldness and courage to share His love. If you’re able to join in this important aspect of our work, we’ll keep you updated with prayer requests during the preparation period and while we’re in Malawi.

Second, as you can imagine, a trip of this nature is costly. Each team member will commit personal resources, Calvary Church has provided a contribution from its scholarship fund and, as a team, we are sending these letters of request for support to our friends who may have a desire to assist financially. The total cost per person is $3500.00-$4000.00

If you are able to join us as a prayer and/or financial partner, please email me at and in the subject line please put Malawi Mission Trip Support and I will email you a copy of this letter along with a sponsorship form.

You will be provided a receipt for your tax purposes. A gift of any amount will be very much appreciated!

Throughout the Bible, God Shares his compassion, His Love and His special concern for the most vulnerable among us-The Orphan. In fact the Bible mentions the importance of caring for these individuals more than 60 times. Why would God tell us that caring for orphans is pure and undefiled religion? Maybe its because the world sees God’s heart when he works through his people to help the helpless.

God Bless You

Orphan Statistics

130 Million Orphans in the world today
By 2010 the number of children orphaned by AIDS is expected to exceed 25 Million
20 Percent of households with children in Southern Africa are caring for one or more orphans
Every 15 Seconds another child becomes an AIDS Orphan in Africa

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